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Version: 0.42

Cadence Testing Framework

The Cadence testing framework provides a convenient way to write tests for Cadence programs in Cadence. This functionality is provided by the built-in Test contract.


The testing framework can only be used off-chain, e.g. by using the Flow CLI.

Tests must be written in the form of a Cadence script. A test script may contain testing functions that starts with the test prefix, a setup function that always runs before the tests, a tearDown function that always runs at the end of all test cases, a beforeEach function that runs before each test case, and an afterEach function that runs after each test case. All the above four functions are optional.

// A `setup` function that always runs before the rest of the test cases.
// Can be used to initialize things that would be used across the test cases.
// e.g: initialling a blockchain backend, initializing a contract, etc.
access(all) fun setup() {
// The `beforeEach` function runs before each test case. Can be used to perform
// some state cleanup before each test case, among other things.
access(all) fun beforeEach() {
// The `afterEach` function runs after each test case. Can be used to perform
// some state cleanup after each test case, among other things.
access(all) fun afterEach() {
// Valid test functions start with the 'test' prefix.
access(all) fun testSomething() {
access(all) fun testAnotherThing() {
access(all) fun testMoreThings() {
// Test functions cannot have any arguments or return values.
access(all) fun testInvalidSignature(message: String): Bool {
// A `tearDown` function that always runs at the end of all test cases.
// e.g: Can be used to stop the blockchain back-end used for tests, etc. or any cleanup.
access(all) fun tearDown() {

Test Standard Library

The testing framework can be used by importing the built-in Test contract:

import Test



fun assert(_ condition: Bool, message: String)

Fails a test-case if the given condition is false, and reports a message which explains why the condition is false.

The message argument is optional.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
Test.assert(2 == 2)
Test.assert([1, 2, 3].length == 0, message: "Array length is not 0")

fun fail(message: String)

Immediately fails a test-case, with a message explaining the reason to fail the test.

The message argument is optional.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let array = [1, 2, 3]
if array.length != 0 {
_10 "Array length is not 0")


fun expect(_ value: AnyStruct, _ matcher: Matcher)

The expect function tests a value against a matcher (see matchers section), and fails the test if it's not a match.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let array = [1, 2, 3]
Test.expect(array.length, Test.equal(3))


fun assertEqual(_ expected: AnyStruct, _ actual: AnyStruct)

The assertEqual function fails the test-case if the given values are not equal, and reports a message which explains how the two values differ.

import Test
access(all) struct Foo {
access(all) let answer: Int
init(answer: Int) {
self.answer = answer
access(all) fun testExample() {
Test.assertEqual("this string", "this string")
Test.assertEqual(21, 21)
Test.assertEqual(true, true)
Test.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
{1: true, 2: false, 3: true},
{1: true, 2: false, 3: true}
let address1 = Address(0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7)
let address2 = Address(0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7)
Test.assertEqual(address1, address2)
let foo1 = Foo(answer: 42)
let foo2 = Foo(answer: 42)
Test.assertEqual(foo1, foo2)
let number1: Int64 = 100
let number2: UInt64 = 100
// Note that the two values need to have exactly the same type,
// and not just value, otherwise the assertion fails:
// assertion failed: not equal: expected: 100, actual: 100
Test.assertEqual(number1, number2)


fun expectFailure(_ functionWrapper: ((): Void), errorMessageSubstring: String)

The expectFailure function wraps a function call in a closure, and expects it to fail with an error message that contains the given error message portion.

import Test
access(all) struct Foo {
access(self) let answer: UInt8
init(answer: UInt8) {
self.answer = answer
access(all) fun correctAnswer(_ input: UInt8): Bool {
if self.answer != input {
panic("wrong answer!")
return true
access(all) fun testExample() {
let foo = Foo(answer: 42)
Test.expectFailure(fun(): Void {
}, errorMessageSubstring: "wrong answer!")


A matcher is an object that consists of a test function and associated utility functionality.

access(all) struct Matcher {
access(all) let test: fun(AnyStruct): Bool
access(all) init(test: fun(AnyStruct): Bool) {
self.test = test
/// Combine this matcher with the given matcher.
/// Returns a new matcher that succeeds if this and the given matcher succeed.
access(all) fun and(_ other: Matcher): Matcher {
return Matcher(test: fun (value: AnyStruct): Bool {
return self.test(value) && other.test(value)
/// Combine this matcher with the given matcher.
/// Returns a new matcher that succeeds if this or the given matcher succeeds.
access(all) fun or(_ other: Matcher): Matcher {
return Matcher(test: fun (value: AnyStruct): Bool {
return self.test(value) || other.test(value)

The test function defines the evaluation criteria for a value, and returns a boolean indicating whether the value conforms to the test criteria defined in the function.

The and and or functions can be used to combine this matcher with another matcher to produce a new matcher with multiple testing criteria. The and method returns a new matcher that succeeds if both this and the given matcher are succeeded. The or method returns a new matcher that succeeds if at-least this or the given matcher is succeeded.

A matcher that accepts a generic-typed test function can be constructed using the newMatcher function.

fun newMatcher<T: AnyStruct>(_ test: fun(T): Bool): Test.Matcher

The type parameter T is bound to AnyStruct type. It is also optional.

For example, a matcher that checks whether a given integer value is negative can be defined as follows:

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let isNegative = Test.newMatcher(fun (_ value: Int): Bool {
return value < 0
Test.expect(-15, isNegative)
// Alternatively, we can use `Test.assert` and the matcher's `test` function.
Test.assert(isNegative.test(-15), message: "number is not negative")
access(all) fun testCustomMatcherUntyped() {
let matcher = Test.newMatcher(fun (_ value: AnyStruct): Bool {
if !value.getType().isSubtype(of: Type<Int>()) {
return false
return (value as! Int) > 5
Test.expect(8, matcher)
access(all) fun testCustomMatcherTyped() {
let matcher = Test.newMatcher<Int>(fun (_ value: Int): Bool {
return value == 7
Test.expect(7, matcher)

The Test contract provides some built-in matcher functions for convenience.


fun equal(_ value: AnyStruct): Matcher

The equal function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is equal to the given value. Accepts an AnyStruct value.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let array = [1, 2, 3]
Test.expect([1, 2, 3], Test.equal(array))


fun beGreaterThan(_ value: Number): Matcher

The beGreaterThan function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is a number and greater than the given number.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let str = "Hello, there"
Test.expect(str.length, Test.beGreaterThan(5))


fun beLessThan(_ value: Number): Matcher

The beLessThan function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is a number and less than the given number.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let str = "Hello, there"
Test.expect(str.length, Test.beLessThan(15))


fun beNil(): Matcher

The beNil function returns a new matcher that checks if the given test value is nil.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let message: String? = nil
Test.expect(message, Test.beNil())


fun beEmpty(): Matcher

The beEmpty function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is an array or dictionary, and the tested value contains no elements.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let array: [String] = []
Test.expect(array, Test.beEmpty())
let dictionary: {String: String} = {}
Test.expect(dictionary, Test.beEmpty())


fun haveElementCount(_ count: Int): Matcher

The haveElementCount function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is an array or dictionary, and has the given number of elements.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let array: [String] = ["one", "two", "three"]
Test.expect(array, Test.haveElementCount(3))
let dictionary: {String: Int} = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
Test.expect(dictionary, Test.haveElementCount(3))


fun contain(_ element: AnyStruct): Matcher

The contain function returns a matcher that succeeds if the tested value is an array that contains a value that is equal to the given value, or the tested value is a dictionary that contains an entry where the key is equal to the given value.

access(all) fun testExample() {
let array: [String] = ["one", "two", "three"]
Test.expect(array, Test.contain("one"))
let dictionary: {String: Int} = {"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
Test.expect(dictionary, Test.contain("two"))


fun beSucceeded(): Matcher

The beSucceeded function returns a new matcher that checks if the given test value is either a ScriptResult or TransactionResult and the ResultStatus is succeeded. Returns false in any other case.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
let result = blockchain.executeScript(
"access(all) fun main(): Int { return 2 + 3 }",
Test.expect(result, Test.beSucceeded())
Test.assertEqual(5, result.returnValue! as! Int)


fun beFailed(): Matcher

The beFailed function returns a new matcher that checks if the given test value is either a ScriptResult or TransactionResult and the ResultStatus is failed. Returns false in any other case.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
let account = blockchain.createAccount()
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { execute{ panic(\"some error\") } }",
authorizers: [],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
let result = blockchain.executeTransaction(tx)
Test.expect(result, Test.beFailed())

Matcher combinators

The built-in matchers, as well as custom matchers, can be combined with the three available combinators:

  • not,
  • or,
  • and

in order to create more elaborate matchers and increase re-usability.


fun not(_ matcher: Matcher): Matcher

The not function returns a new matcher that negates the test of the given matcher.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let isEven = Test.newMatcher<Int>(fun (_ value: Int): Bool {
return value % 2 == 0
Test.expect(8, isEven)
Test.expect(7, Test.not(isEven))
let isNotEmpty = Test.not(Test.beEmpty())
Test.expect([1, 2, 3], isNotEmpty)


fun or(_ other: Matcher): Matcher

The Matcher.or function combines this matcher with the given matcher. Returns a new matcher that succeeds if this or the given matcher succeed. If this matcher succeeds, then the other matcher would not be tested.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let one = Test.equal(1)
let two = Test.equal(2)
let oneOrTwo = one.or(two)
Test.expect(2, oneOrTwo)


fun and(_ other: Matcher): Matcher

The Matcher.and function combines this matcher with the given matcher. Returns a new matcher that succeeds if this and the given matcher succeed.

import Test
access(all) fun testExample() {
let sevenOrMore = Test.newMatcher<Int>(fun (_ value: Int): Bool {
return value >= 7
let lessThanTen = Test.newMatcher<Int>(fun (_ value: Int): Bool {
return value <= 10
let betweenSevenAndTen = sevenOrMore.and(lessThanTen)
Test.expect(8, betweenSevenAndTen)


A blockchain is an environment to which transactions can be submitted to, and against which scripts can be run. It imitates the behavior of a real network, for testing.

/// Blockchain emulates a real network.
access(all) struct Blockchain {
access(all) let backend: AnyStruct{BlockchainBackend}
init(backend: AnyStruct{BlockchainBackend}) {
self.backend = backend
/// Executes a script and returns the script return value and the status.
/// `returnValue` field of the result will be `nil` if the script failed.
access(all) fun executeScript(_ script: String, _ arguments: [AnyStruct]): ScriptResult {
return self.backend.executeScript(script, arguments)
/// Creates a signer account by submitting an account creation transaction.
/// The transaction is paid by the service account.
/// The returned account can be used to sign and authorize transactions.
access(all) fun createAccount(): Account {
return self.backend.createAccount()
/// Add a transaction to the current block.
access(all) fun addTransaction(_ tx: Transaction) {
/// Executes the next transaction in the block, if any.
/// Returns the result of the transaction, or nil if no transaction was scheduled.
access(all) fun executeNextTransaction(): TransactionResult? {
return self.backend.executeNextTransaction()
/// Commit the current block.
/// Committing will fail if there are un-executed transactions in the block.
access(all) fun commitBlock() {
/// Executes a given transaction and commits the current block.
access(all) fun executeTransaction(_ tx: Transaction): TransactionResult {
let txResult = self.executeNextTransaction()!
return txResult
/// Executes a given set of transactions and commits the current block.
access(all) fun executeTransactions(_ transactions: [Transaction]): [TransactionResult] {
for tx in transactions {
var results: [TransactionResult] = []
for tx in transactions {
let txResult = self.executeNextTransaction()!
return results
/// Deploys a given contract, and initializes it with the arguments.
access(all) fun deployContract(
name: String,
code: String,
account: Account,
arguments: [AnyStruct]
): Error? {
return self.backend.deployContract(
name: name,
code: code,
account: account,
arguments: arguments
/// Set the configuration to be used by the blockchain.
/// Overrides any existing configuration.
access(all) fun useConfiguration(_ configuration: Configuration) {
/// Returns all the logs from the blockchain, up to the calling point.
access(all) fun logs(): [String] {
return self.backend.logs()
/// Returns the service account of the blockchain. Can be used to sign
/// transactions with this account.
access(all) fun serviceAccount(): Account {
return self.backend.serviceAccount()
/// Returns all events emitted from the blockchain.
access(all) fun events(): [AnyStruct] {
/// Returns all events emitted from the blockchain,
/// filtered by type.
access(all) fun eventsOfType(_ type: Type): [AnyStruct] {
/// Resets the state of the blockchain to the given height.
access(all) fun reset(to height: UInt64) {
self.backend.reset(to: height)
/// Moves the time of the blockchain by the given delta,
/// which should be passed in the form of seconds.
access(all) fun moveTime(by delta: Fix64) {
self.backend.moveTime(by: delta)

The BlockchainBackend provides the actual functionality of the blockchain.

/// BlockchainBackend is the interface to be implemented by the backend providers.
access(all) struct interface BlockchainBackend {
access(all) fun executeScript(_ script: String, _ arguments: [AnyStruct]): ScriptResult
access(all) fun createAccount(): Account
access(all) fun addTransaction(_ tx: Transaction)
access(all) fun executeNextTransaction(): TransactionResult?
access(all) fun commitBlock()
access(all) fun deployContract(
name: String,
code: String,
account: Account,
arguments: [AnyStruct]
): Error?
access(all) fun useConfiguration(_ configuration: Configuration)
access(all) fun logs(): [String]
access(all) fun serviceAccount(): Account
access(all) fun events(_ type: Type?): [AnyStruct]
access(all) fun reset(to height: UInt64)
access(all) fun moveTime(by delta: Fix64)

Creating a blockchain

A new blockchain instance can be created using the Test.newEmulatorBlockchain method. It returns a Blockchain which is backed by a new Flow Emulator instance.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()

Creating accounts

It may be necessary to create accounts during tests for various reasons, such as for deploying contracts, signing transactions, etc. An account can be created using the createAccount function.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun testExample() {

Running the above command, from the command-line, we would get:

flow test tests/test_sample_usage.cdc
3:31PM DBG LOG: 0x01cf0e2f2f715450
Test results: "tests/test_sample_usage.cdc"
- PASS: testExample

The returned account consists of the address of the account, and a publicKey associated with it.

/// Account represents info about the account created on the blockchain.
access(all) struct Account {
access(all) let address: Address
access(all) let publicKey: PublicKey
init(address: Address, publicKey: PublicKey) {
self.address = address
self.publicKey = publicKey

Executing scripts

Scripts can be run with the executeScript function, which returns a ScriptResult. The function takes script-code as the first argument, and the script-arguments as an array as the second argument.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let code = "access(all) fun main(name: String): String { return \"Hello, \".concat(name) }"
let args = ["Peter"]
let scriptResult = blockchain.executeScript(code, args)
// Assert that the script was successfully executed.
Test.expect(scriptResult, Test.beSucceeded())
// returnValue has always the type `AnyStruct`,
// so we need to type-cast accordingly.
let returnValue = scriptResult.returnValue! as! String
Test.assertEqual("Hello, Peter", returnValue)

The script result consists of the status of the script execution, and a returnValue if the script execution was successful, or an error otherwise (see errors section for more details on errors).

/// The result of a script execution.
access(all) struct ScriptResult {
access(all) let status: ResultStatus
access(all) let returnValue: AnyStruct?
access(all) let error: Error?
init(status: ResultStatus, returnValue: AnyStruct?, error: Error?) {
self.status = status
self.returnValue = returnValue
self.error = error

Executing transactions

A transaction must be created with the transaction code, a list of authorizes, a list of signers that would sign the transaction, and the transaction arguments.

/// Transaction that can be submitted and executed on the blockchain.
access(all) struct Transaction {
access(all) let code: String
access(all) let authorizers: [Address]
access(all) let signers: [Account]
access(all) let arguments: [AnyStruct]
init(code: String, authorizers: [Address], signers: [Account], arguments: [AnyStruct]) {
self.code = code
self.authorizers = authorizers
self.signers = signers
self.arguments = arguments

The number of authorizers must match the number of AuthAccount arguments in the prepare block of the transaction.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
// There are two ways to execute the created transaction.
access(all) fun testExample() {
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {} execute{} }",
authorizers: [account.address],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
// Executing the transaction immediately
// This may fail if the current block contains
// transactions that have not being executed yet.
let txResult = blockchain.executeTransaction(tx)
Test.expect(txResult, Test.beSucceeded())
access(all) fun testExampleTwo() {
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {} execute{} }",
authorizers: [account.address],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
// Add to the current block
// Execute the next transaction in the block
let txResult = blockchain.executeNextTransaction()!
Test.expect(txResult, Test.beSucceeded())

The result of a transaction consists of the status of the execution, and an Error if the transaction failed.

/// The result of a transaction execution.
access(all) struct TransactionResult {
access(all) let status: ResultStatus
access(all) let error: Error?
init(status: ResultStatus, error: Error?) {
self.status = status
self.error = error

Commit block

commitBlock block will commit the current block, and will fail if there are any un-executed transactions in the block.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {} execute{} }",
authorizers: [account.address],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
// This will fail with `error: internal error: pending block with ID 1f9...c0b7740d2 cannot be committed before execution`

Deploying contracts

A contract can be deployed using the deployContract function of the Blockchain.

Suppose we have this contract (Foo.cdc):

access(all) contract Foo {
access(all) let msg: String
init(_ msg: String) {
self.msg = msg
access(all) fun sayHello(): String {
return self.msg

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let contractCode = Test.readFile("Foo.cdc")
let err = blockchain.deployContract(
name: "Foo",
code: contractCode,
account: account,
arguments: ["hello from args"],
Test.expect(err, Test.beNil())

An Error is returned if the contract deployment fails. Otherwise, a nil is returned.

Configuring import addresses

A common pattern in Cadence projects is to define the imports as file locations and specify the addresses corresponding to each network in the Flow CLI configuration file. When writing tests for such a project, it may also require to specify the addresses to be used during the tests as well. However, during tests, since accounts are created dynamically and the addresses are also generated dynamically, specifying the addresses statically in a configuration file is not an option.

Hence, the test framework provides a way to specify the addresses using the useConfiguration(_ configuration: Test.Configuration) function in Blockchain.

The Configuration struct consists of a mapping of import locations to their addresses.

/// Configuration to be used by the blockchain.
/// Can be used to set the address mapping.
access(all) struct Configuration {
access(all) let addresses: {String: Address}
init(addresses: {String: Address}) {
self.addresses = addresses


The Blockchain.useConfiguration is a run-time alternative for statically defining contract addresses in the flow.json config file.

The configurations can be specified during the test setup as a best-practice.

e.g: Assume running a script that imports the above Foo.cdc contract. The import location for the contract can be specified using the placeholder "Foo". This placeholder can be any unique string.

Suppose this script is saved in say_hello.cdc.

import "Foo"
access(all) fun main(): String {
return Foo.sayHello()

Then, before executing the script, the address mapping can be specified as follows:

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun setup() {
"Foo": account.address
let contractCode = Test.readFile("Foo.cdc")
let err = blockchain.deployContract(
name: "Foo",
code: contractCode,
account: account,
arguments: ["hello from args"],
Test.expect(err, Test.beNil())
access(all) fun testExample() {
let script = Test.readFile("say_hello.cdc")
let scriptResult = blockchain.executeScript(script, [])
Test.expect(scriptResult, Test.beSucceeded())
let returnValue = scriptResult.returnValue! as! String
Test.assertEqual("hello from args", returnValue)

The subsequent operations on the blockchain (e.g: contract deployment, script/transaction execution) will resolve the import locations to the provided addresses.


An Error maybe returned when an operation (such as executing a script, executing a transaction, etc.) has failed. It contains a message indicating why the operation failed.

// Error is returned if something has gone wrong.
access(all) struct Error {
access(all) let message: String
init(_ message: String) {
self.message = message

An Error can be asserted against its presence or absence.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let script = Test.readFile("say_hello.cdc")
let scriptResult = blockchain.executeScript(script, [])
// If we expect a script to fail, we can use Test.beFailed() instead
Test.expect(scriptResult, Test.beSucceeded())
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {} execute{} }",
authorizers: [account.address],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
let txResult = blockchain.executeTransaction(tx)
// If we expect a transaction to fail, we can use Test.beFailed() instead
Test.expect(txResult, Test.beSucceeded())
let err: Test.Error? = txResult.error
if err != nil {

Blockchain events

We can also assert that certain events were emitted from the blockchain, up to the latest block.

Suppose we have this contract (Foo.cdc):

access(all) contract Foo {
access(all) let msg: String
access(all) event ContractInitialized(msg: String)
init(_ msg: String) {
self.msg = msg
emit ContractInitialized(msg: self.msg)
access(all) fun sayHello(): String {
return self.msg

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun setup() {
"Foo": account.address
let contractCode = Test.readFile("Foo.cdc")
let err = blockchain.deployContract(
name: "Foo",
code: contractCode,
account: account,
arguments: ["hello from args"],
Test.expect(err, Test.beNil())
// As of now, we have to construct the composite type by hand,
// until the testing framework allows developers to import
// contract types, e.g.:
// let typ = Type<FooContract.ContractInitialized>()
let typ = CompositeType("A.01cf0e2f2f715450.Foo.ContractInitialized")!
let events = blockchain.eventsOfType(typ)
Test.assertEqual(1, events.length)
// We can also fetch all events emitted from the blockchain

Commonly used contracts

The commonly used contracts are already deployed on the blockchain, and can be imported without any additional setup.

Suppose this script is saved in get_type_ids.cdc.

import "FungibleToken"
import "FlowToken"
import "NonFungibleToken"
import "MetadataViews"
import "ViewResolver"
import "ExampleNFT"
import "NFTStorefrontV2"
import "NFTStorefront"
access(all) fun main(): [String] {
return [

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let script = Test.readFile("get_type_ids.cdc")
let scriptResult = blockchain.executeScript(script, [])
Test.expect(scriptResult, Test.beSucceeded())
let returnValue = scriptResult.returnValue! as! [String]
let expected = [
Test.assertEqual(expected, returnValue)

Reading from files

Writing tests often require constructing source-code of contracts/transactions/scripts in the test script. Testing framework provides a convenient way to load programs from a local file, without having to manually construct them within the test script.

let contractCode = Test.readFile("./sample/contracts/FooContract.cdc")

readFile returns the content of the file as a string.


The log function is available for usage both in test scripts, as well as contracts/scripts/transactions.

The Blockchain.logs() method aggregates all logs from contracts/scripts/transactions.

import Test
access(all) let blockchain = Test.newEmulatorBlockchain()
access(all) let account = blockchain.createAccount()
access(all) fun testExample() {
let tx = Test.Transaction(
code: "transaction { prepare(acct: AuthAccount) {} execute{ log(\"in a transaction\") } }",
authorizers: [account.address],
signers: [account],
arguments: [],
let txResult = blockchain.executeTransaction(tx)
Test.expect(txResult, Test.beSucceeded())
Test.assertEqual(["in a transaction"], blockchain.logs())


This repository contains some functional examples that demonstrate most of the above features, both for contrived and real-world smart contracts. It also contains a detailed explanation on using code coverage from within the testing framework.